Change formatting in Power BI desktop when using a gateway (Tabular)
When connecting to SSAS Tabular through a gateway the data model in Power BI desktop will automatically inherit the data types and formatting of the calculated measures. This is perfectly fine for 90 percent of the reports one wants to generate. But sometimes you need to change the formats of the...
So you have been giving som loving to the FILTERING PANE in Power BI desktop/service in the november 2018 update. That is fine but I truly do not get it? Why on earth should users want to use this pane when you (and you should allways) use a report slicer (remember 99% of all BI users are consume...
iPhone/iPad - click on a tile in the dashboard should immediately lead to the report
iPhone/iPad - click on a tile in the dashboard should immediately lead to the report When you have published apps to the iPad/iPhone and you enter a dashboard you have to long press the tile before it leads to the report (or click the "..."). Why? You should just click the tile and it should imme...
Slider (slicer)
In Power BI there is fundamentally one slicer. It is actually okay most of the time, but sometime you need something different. How about a slider (for on and off). You can use is for active/inactive employees and many, many other scenarios. I know you can use the standard filter for this, but th...
No scroll bar in Line or Bar Charts (Continuous vs. Category)
Unless your X-axis consist of a Continuous variable (e.g. dates) and you have a lot of data points - then the data will always be shown with a scroll bar, which make it impossible to get an overview of data. In Excel this kind of data (regardless the data consist of Continuous data or Catagori) w...
Modern Visual Tooltips - table and matrices
Great work with the new Modern Visual Tooltips. And I know it is only in preview :-) Please make it possible to select/deselect/remove which information on the card (where it shows Drill Through). It is very anoying when you have a table with lets say 15 columns and the card shows at least 10 co...
Enable Small Multiples for Tables and Matrices
Small Multiples are only available for a few vizualizations. I suggest it also is possible for the visualization Tables and Matrix.
Storytelling in PowerPoint support from embedded report
It is possible to using storytelling (embed Power BI reports/single visuals ) in PowerPoint from Power BI service (via links). That's fantastic. But what if alle users in an organization only have access to reports from an embedded solution. My wish is to copy the links from an embedded report...
column chart with multiple measures and no categories
You have two or more calculated measures - lets say "sales year to date", "sales year to date last year" etc. I want to show this in a simple column chart - just the measures and with no categories (as of now you will show stacked colums which is not want). Separate columns with space for each...
Some love to the Filter Pane
- Choose whether the Filter Pane could be placed at the Left side (and not only the Right side)
- It should be possible that the filters in the report works with the filters in the Filter Pane (cross filtering or not)
- It should ALL work in Power BI Pro OR in Embedded Power BI....