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Power BI

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should suppport to macbook

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on 2018-11-26 10:59:12

should support to macbook

Comments (33) Merged Idea (3)
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Cato Furum's profile image

Cato Furum on 2019-05-17 17:51:18

Power BI

When is PowerBI for MacOS available?

It would be very nice if you could describe in the early beginning of signing up how non-windows clients (macOS/Linux) can take part in this ecosystem of data visualization - if at all. I am still hoping to access the service to see if I can do similar things there.

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Krutarth's profile image

Krutarth on 2020-04-18 02:22:29

Power BI

Power BI Desktop For Mac OS

Please release Power BI Desktop for Macbook. It is not very efficient to work on VMs.

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Andrew Connell's profile image

Andrew Connell on 2017-10-21 02:27:50

Power BI

Cross Platform Desktop (MacOS)

More and more apps from Redmond are cross platform... really would be nice to not spin up a VM just to open the PowerBI desktop.
