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Powershell automation to create new pbix files from templates (pbit files)

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Andy's profile image

Andy on 2017-12-03 13:56:06

Now that we have pbit files to help create new pbix files quickly it would be great to be able to automate this process.

Perhaps we could have some Powershell commands that would allow you to pass the needed parameters and output a new pbix file.

Comments (78) Merged Idea (7)
Vote 34
Robert Conacher Conacher's profile image

Robert Conacher Conacher on 2021-11-05 14:03:29

Power BI

Power BI Report Server to be able to interact with Power BI Templates (PBIT)

As a consultancy we have clients who do not have direct access to their Production environments and the software we release needs to be encapsulated within Powershell so it can be distributed through release management software. Request 1) Powershell Cmdlet to extract a Power PBIT file from a ...

Vote 186
Stéphane Rosi's profile image

Stéphane Rosi on 2016-08-18 14:33:21

Power BI

Publish online model from pbit template

Publishing from a pbix is a long process and not convenient when working with big datasets and multiple developpers (because of the size of the file). It would be easier to manage (backup history versions, etc.) if an online model could be updated from a pbit instead of a pbix model.

Vote 40
Andrew H's profile image

Andrew H on 2016-05-09 16:09:46

Power BI

Publish template (PBI Api)

Would be great to be able to publish (and optionally upload via web) template files and fill parameters on the fly. Would be great for automated deployment

Vote 8
Power BI User's profile image

Power BI User on 2019-10-23 21:29:18

Power BI

Import Report template (.pbit) to Power BI Service via API REST

Now it is possible import a report from .pbix file, could be import a report template (.pbit) to Power BI Service via API REST? this is a new feature that would be nice to be consolidated. Thanks

Vote 79
Ravi Yandra's profile image

Ravi Yandra on 2019-05-09 02:12:48

Power BI

Export Power BI report template using PowerShell script

Export Power BI report as PBIT using PowerShell or C# to automate the process. Power BI is currently supporting manual process to export PBIT files. However, it is tedious process when you have 100s of reports scattered on multiple workspaces.

Vote 28
Karl Beran's profile image

Karl Beran on 2018-05-15 19:00:15

Power BI

Create pbit template file from online via API

Ability to export report as template (pbit) file via API. This would enable automated report archiving and automated integration for source control.

Vote 17
Stéphane Rosi's profile image

Stéphane Rosi on 2016-08-18 14:37:51

Power BI

Create pbit model template from power bi online

When a user publishes an updated pbix model online, the source file is at risk of being lost. It would be useful to allow downloading a pbit file from a model in power bi online so another user could apply future updates to the model, without needing the source pbix file.
