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Financial Year and Quarterly Relative Date Filter Options

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Shea Woolnough's profile image

Shea Woolnough on 2017-08-18 07:28:57

I have come across a few occasions where it would be great to have the following options in the relative date slicer:

- Quarter
- Financial Year

This would be a great addition to the already immensely useful slicer.

Comments (38) Merged Idea (5)
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Harry Knight's profile image

Harry Knight on 2020-07-17 14:40:10

Power BI

Include Quarter in Relative Date Slicer

The existing relative date slicer options are super useful, but i often find myself being asked why it doesn't include calendar quarter by users within my organisation. Is this being considered for future development? Presumably it would be a relatively easy addition to make.

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Mohit Chourasia's profile image

Mohit Chourasia on 2020-10-30 07:26:23

Power BI

Add Quarter, Quarter(Calender) in Relative Date Slicer

In Relative Date Slicer, we have Day, weeks, weeks(Calendar), Months, Months( Calendar), Years and Years (Calendar). Please Add Quarters, Quarters (Calendar) as well and Quarter for 'This' section.

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Reena Reena's profile image

Reena Reena on 2020-12-12 00:17:09

Power BI

Quarter option for relative date feature in Power BI Desktop

Relative date feature currently has options for days, week, month, year but not quater. And it would be really helpful to have this option as most company wide reports analysis require quaterly data. Thank you

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Bobby Grimaldi's profile image

Bobby Grimaldi on 2019-02-01 01:10:53

Power BI

Add Quarters to Relative Date Filtering Options

I use relative date filtering frequently and am seeking an easier way to filter my data based on a quarterly view rather than having to used advanced filtering to set my quarter views. Additionally Quarters should be added as an option for grouping data into bins.

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Alex Sazonov's profile image

Alex Sazonov on 2018-10-19 02:29:55

Power BI

Add "Quarters" to relative date filtering.

I use relative date filtering frequently. Our organization frequently looks at data Quarter-over-Quarter. It would be great to be able to use Quarters in addition to days, weeks, months, years.
