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Add others options to TopN Filter

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on 2016-11-14 02:22:53

Add "Others" option to the current TopN feature. That would greatly advance user experience as it allows to compress the data set, highlight the most important insights (e.g. Top 5 Sales), but still gives an overview of all of the data.

Jeroen ter Heerdt (administrator) on 4/18/2022 8:22:12 PM

We have considered this as part of other enhancements to filters but need more votes to prioritize it.

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Daniel Balandra's profile image

Daniel Balandra on 2020-02-10 03:22:08

Power BI

Top + "Others" & Bottom + "Others", show option filter

For all visuals we need the option in TOPN filter type, inside the "Show items:" dropdown box, the "Top + "Others"" and "Bottom + "Others"" options, so when a user specifies, for instances, "3" the visual should show the first or last 3 label and besides a 4th label, grouping the rest as "Others"...
