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Disable visual highlighting and interactions

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Redmond Hartop's profile image

Redmond Hartop on 18 May 2018 16:39:30

When clicking on certain elements of a visual, I can control the interaction this selection has on other visuals within the report, but I was wondering if there is the ability to completely disable the clickability of a visual? I don't want the end users to be able to click on the visual at all, so neither the selected visual or other visuals would be highlighted? Tooltips should still be viewable on hover.

This feature should be available for use in both service and desktop.

More information on the unsuccessful attempts people have made trying to achieve this with graphs/charts can be found here:

Comments (85)
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Chris Warrington on 05 Jul 2020 23:53:19

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

I agree with all of the comments below. I could copy Alex Fenech's comment below and paste in here.
Please fix.

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Daniel Gama on 05 Jul 2020 23:53:02

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

Well, having a window that allows us to edit the interactions visually like the Modelling View would be much appreciated.

Like this, but for interactions:

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Alex Fenech on 05 Jul 2020 23:52:42

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

My biggest pain point for this is text boxes and visuals. If I have a visual overlayed on top of an image or text box, the user can inadvertently click on it and make the visuals move behind because that particular visual is forced to the front thus hiding the visuals and making it really confusing to an end user exactly what happened/how to fix.

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:51:17

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

I add a big transparent square and move it forward, so the user will click on it instead the data itself.

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Hugo Mancera on 05 Jul 2020 23:50:31

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

Please please work on this feature, it´ll make a big difference for end users.. Thanks for the big support

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Karim ABDELOUAHAD on 05 Jul 2020 23:48:42

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions


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RLurquin on 05 Jul 2020 23:48:35

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

Please add! Field users get confused as to what they are filtered on... this feature will stop that confusion. Thanks.

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Darrel Fontenot on 05 Jul 2020 23:47:53

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

PLEASE ADD! Think about this... currently if there are 30 visuals on a page and you don't want any interaction, you must choose each one and then turn off the other 29. That's 870 clicks!!! And if any of the visuals overlap, you can't even click to turn off interaction without first bringing it to front or moving/resizing.

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Matthew Montgomery on 05 Jul 2020 23:47:13

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

I too would like this feature. This would make it so only certain slicers can be used to change visuals.

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Mark Skilling on 05 Jul 2020 23:47:04

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

This is needed urgently. I am creating some quite complex reports with repeated, but slightly different slicers which need to interact with different charts. For each item I have to go through and disable interactions with dozens of objects on the page - and for many of them I have to resize the item just to get to the interaction items.
This whole UI for interactions needs some serious work to improve it.