Power BI
Needs VotesNavigate to any of the report page from any page using Page name(can be in drop down / other way)
Mayur on 15 Nov 2017 17:06:19
It would be great if you could add a option to navigate to any report page from any page. If I have 25 pages in my pbix file so it becomes very tedious to navigate through all the pages. Say I am on page 16 and I want to go to page 3 then If we would have dropdown or something which would consist all the page names by selecting from slicer we can navigate to that page.It will make navigation very simpler.
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RE: Navigate to any of the report page from any page using Page name(can be in drop down / other way)
Allow Report Page Names to populate a slicer, allowing a simple and compact navigation menu for reports with many pages.