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Update R version and package version

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M V on 27 May 2020 01:56:43

The version of R available to run custom visuals in PowerBI is out of date, and many of the packages available to use (including ColorSpace) are out of date as well. The current R runtime is 3.4.4, which was released in March of 2018. R version 4.0 was just released, with many associated changes. Other packages, notably colorspace, are multiple versions behind and thus missing many functions and features available in the development environment.

It is frustrating to upload a custom visual only to find that the version of R and various R packages are out of date, and thus the visual does not perform correctly. Please update R and the associated packages, or else provide a full directory of the version available in PowerBI to keep programmers developing custom visuals in sync with the current capabilities of PowerBI Service.

Comments (2)
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Kyle Rudnik on 15 Dec 2020 13:53:08

RE: Update R version and package version

Why does this need to be an idea? It feels like an oversight by MS to not have regular updates for the supported R packages. I'm in the same boat and would rather not have to string up a workaround solution.

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JohnMark Fisher on 30 Nov 2020 15:35:26

RE: Update R version and package version

I just posted an "idea" asking for the same thing and then I saw yours. It's embarrassing that Microsoft has released five (five!) "open" versions of R without updating the runtime version within Power BI.