Sofia Fernandez Urrea on 23 Jun 2022 12:58:04
I have a waterfall with a start and end value, with breakdown values in between. The waterfall breakdown variables are by deafault sorted from smallest to largest. However, we are used to seeing the breakdowns in a specific order, like a P&L order (Volume, revenue, cogs, sg&a, etc). It makes it almost useless to have the categories in a different order. Can you please include a feature to be able to sort by the breakdown column sorting field, or make it optional to sort by value or by the category index in the breakdown field.
It would really be very useful, even when you want to compare a start and end value by month variance, it makes no sence to have the months ordered from smallest to largest instead of by month order.
Please help out with this! We really need it.
- Comments (1)
RE: Sorting waterfall graph by breakdown
I see this is an old idea but I have to second it. The Breakdown sorting is at the moment entirely useless as it defaults to going from Max to Min. Custom sorting would be amazing so we can build our own logic into it.