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Improve advance filtering for datatime to support relative periods

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Charles Verdon's profile image

Charles Verdon on 12 Nov 2015 00:46:21

Improve advance filtering for datatime to support relative periods. For example I want to display only last hour of information from a Stream Analytics source. ASA hopping window is a period of 30 seconds, but ASA cannot filter and remove old data (older than one hour). Power BI should have smart filtering ability like PQ YTD/MTD, last , etc.

Comments (1)
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Marius Strom on 05 Jul 2020 23:41:09

RE: Improve advance filtering for datatime to support relative periods

'+1 for this. In addition, I'm stumped because I have a report where I need to see rows of data that are aged. I can't see a way to do a relative filter to say to return results before "1 year ago" for example. It would be great if PowerBI used operators similar to Azure Data Explorer as a north star.

(currently I'm considering a workaround where I add a calculated column to my data to indicate the record is >1 year old, but that seems... inelegant.)