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Epic Idea: Make PowerBI Plugin for PowerPoint useable

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PowerBI User on 30 Jan 2025 08:15:24

It seems that, by design, after closing and reopening a PowerPoint, the plugin only reloads for each slide individually after activating each slide. This makes the whole plugin useless for our team, because we want to be able to reopen the PowerPoint for the presentation without having to activate every single slide and then wait (sometimes multiple minutes - especially when set to live view) for the embedded reports to reload.

Therefore, I would suggest the following changes:

- First and most important: Upon opening a PowerPoint file reload the PowerBI embedded reports on all slides at once.

- It would also be desirable, if instead of showing a loading animation, the embedded report would cache the data from having the presentation open the last time and show that data from the start. Then it can still load in all the updated data in the background and update the views as soon as as the data is fully loaded in.