Boris Lipschitz on 08 Sep 2015 10:25:40
Currently, when excel file is loaded to Power BI, the absolute filepath is captured in the M query. It would be nice if relative filepath was supported. Thus we could place excel file next to pbix and not worry about the file location (local machine, shared folder on server or onedrive)
- Comments (88)
RE: Support relative path to excel/csv sources
After five years of still missing this core functionality for any software working with external files. Microsoft, you should finally start thinking about the usability of your products...
RE: Support relative path to excel/csv sources
It seems like a basic functionality to be solved.
RE: Support relative path to excel/csv sources
Would be a much better experience with this solved.
RE: Support relative path to excel/csv sources
Here is a great workaround: Load data into power BI from relative path
RE: Support relative path to excel/csv sources
Really? So annoying, had to explain why they needed to update the paths, and walk them through it... THEY HATED POWER BI AFTER ONE HOUR
RE: Support relative path to excel/csv sources
BUMP. This is a MUST! Wtf Microsoft.
RE: Support relative path to excel/csv sources
It is high time!!
RE: Support relative path to excel/csv sources
as an competitor of Qlik, i think it is really need to implement this function.
RE: Support relative path to excel/csv sources
just saw this has been open since 2015..............................
RE: Support relative path to excel/csv sources
Please add this ASAP!