The current gauge allows for a value to be plotted against the min and max values, where the amount of the gauge filled up is shown as one color. It would be great to add a "Legend" option so that the gauge acted like a stacked bar chart or pie chart in that you could see multiple categories making up the progress to a goal.
- Comments (3)
RE: Stacked Gauge
Great idea! It's certainly beneficial to see the composition of what fields add up to the gauge's value.
RE: Stacked Gauge
Great idea. With this option we could remove two visuals and use just one smaller visual. Totals by category is accomplished with a bar chart for example and then a target value is used in the gauge. Combining the two will save space and clear up confusion. Let's keep up voting this!
RE: Stacked Gauge
This would be very helpful in visualizing the accumulation of multiple quantitative categories relative to an overall target goal! Wish I could vote for this 1000x