Sanjay Shah on 24 Dec 2014 20:42:35
In a grid the totals appear at the end. This is very irrirtating.
The body of the report should be scrollable and the total should always be visible. it is very important for the viewer of the report to confiem the completeness of the report before viewing the details.
Administrator on 30 Dec 2014 02:48:33
Thanks for the suggestion! We want to add the ability to control whether totals are visible or not in the future.
- Comments (6)
RE: Table Total visibility
is this feature added?
RE: Table Total visibility
As I see it now, (as of April 2017 Update) Totals are NOT visible, yet there is a place on the Format tab that has control of Totals. How? What is that tab controlling if Totals are NOT on the table?
RE: Table Total visibility
Or have the option of putting the totals at the top of the data
RE: Table Total visibility
Hi Will,
Here is a suggestion I have as on the formatting capabilities for Tables and Matrices:
I hope this makes sense.
RE: Table Total visibility
The table grid is ok, but the matrix still does not include total the way it is suggested here.
RE: Table Total visibility
Thanks for your review. What we need is not just whether totals are visible or not. But if they are visible, the user should not have to scroll right till the bottom to see the totals. the grand total line should not be a part of the scrollable area.