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Pipeline & Power Query: Request built in environment identifier(s)

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Rob Solfest's profile image

Rob Solfest on 24 Jun 2021 13:23:52

As a Power BI Report progresses through a Deployment Pipeline, one needs often needs to change data sources and other setttings based on the environment (Dev, Test, Prod). This can be accomplished today by creating an environment variable and assigning a value that indicates the environment that it is in. By using Deployment Settings one can update these as the dataset progresses through the the pipeline. However, to do this one needs to configure this in ALL datasets individually at each stage of Test and Production. This does not scale well.

Create built in environment variables (e.g.: "pipeline stage", "workspace name", etc) whose value can be accessed from Power Query (and ideally DAX as well) to simplify deployments (reduce need for custom parameter assignment in Deployment Settings).

EXTRA CREDIT: Such a built-in identifier in DAX could also enhance reporting capabilities, saving hard coding values in reports.

Comments (1)
Rob Solfest's profile image Profile Picture

Rob Solfest on 14 May 2022 14:42:38

RE: Pipeline & Power Query: Request built in environment identifier(s)

Perhaps more clearly...I am requesting that a means of reading in the pipeline stage within DAX and/or M script (e.g.: Dev, Test, Prod).