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Create Report Subscriptions for others using recipient RLS context

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Lucas de Almeida Carvalho's profile image

Lucas de Almeida Carvalho on 17 Dec 2021 17:43:13

Today, only developers can create report subscriptions for other users of organization, but the recipient of the subscription get the report with RLS context of subscript creator, so the viewer is able to view all of the data without your RLS context.
The Idea is that developers is able to create the subscription and the recipient of this can receive the report with your RLS context applied, so He or She can view only the data allowed to your user.

Best Regards,
Lucas Carvalho

Comments (13)
Lucas de Almeida Carvalho's profile image Profile Picture

Luuk Tijssen on 19 Apr 2022 12:42:31

RE: Create Report Subscriptions for others using recipient RLS context

I'm not sure if i understood your issue completely, but I think this can be done using power-automate. You should really check it out, there's a connector for powerbi that supports RLS and can be used to send lists/etc.

Lucas de Almeida Carvalho's profile image Profile Picture

Lars Hammer on 29 Oct 2020 09:30:54

RE: Create Report Subscriptions for others using recipient RLS context

As described in the post here:, we cannot subscribe other users to a Power BI report where the data has Row Level Security and we want the Row Level Security to be applied for the subscriber.

To enable this will remove the most important blocker for our product owner to use Power BI at full scale.

Lucas de Almeida Carvalho's profile image Profile Picture

Niklas M on 06 Jul 2020 00:13:19

RE: Create Report Subscriptions for others using recipient RLS context

We need this.
im trying to send out a personalized email from a report page or dashboard that would be pre-filtered with only matchin personal data.

It would be extremely time-consuming and ineffective to try to achieve the same results by publishing identical, but unique, reports for each of the x users and then subribe them to their own reports....

If any one has any work-arounds please write a comment here.

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