Jenny Alarcon Monge on 04 May 2021 19:48:12
This idea will be to add a functionality of making all table/matrix columns the same width and maybe a like box where we can choose the width pixels we want.
- Comments (5)
RE: Table/Matrix column widths
Appreciate a fix for this, as we are upgrading many visuals with Field Parameter.
RE: Table/Matrix column widths
This request has been active since 2021. We need this feature to present the data how the consumer wants it. Despite all the workarounds and additional efforts, a refresh of the data destroys the configuration.It is so easy to fix the column width in Excel. Why can't we do the same in Power BI?
RE: Table/Matrix column widths
an also if possible, if the width can be set by a measure or column, because in my case the columns and the values get changed by a slicer of clients, and by one client I have 6 columns, and i need to make each column smaller, and by other client I have only 2 columns and I want to make each column bigger...
RE: Table/Matrix column widths
this is a very important feature, hope full get it soon
RE: Table/Matrix column widths
This is my number one feature request. It's mad that I can only size columns by visual guessing. And I ALWAYS want to fix the column size. It's visually confusing for an end user to have matrix column widths vary with every interaction - it creates unnecessary visual processing noise.