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Enhance settings for slicers in theme files

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Marc Lelijveld on 03 Aug 2020 15:44:41

Currently, we can change a lot in the Power BI theme json. If we look at the slicer settings in specific, we can change a lot already! Things like single select or the select all option can be set in the theme file. In general everything in the theme file relates back to the format pane in Power BI.

A slicer has some options in the visual it self as well, that can be found by clicking the elipses (...) on the right top of the visual. Settings like Search on/off and the slicer type (dropdown / slider / list) can be changed in there. I believe it would be very welcome if we can also change these settings via the theme file. With that, we can avoid changing all the visuals manually and have a higher consistency across the pages, which is key for a smooth end-user experience 😊.

See more about what you can do with slicers in the theme file here:
Thanks to David Eldersveld!!!