Power BI
Needs VotesMetadata: Allow the naming of relationships in order to enhance Metadata and Q&A
Pedro Innecco on 06 Mar 2015 17:28:20
I like the fact that in Q&A users can ask questions such as 'sales by country' and all that. However what I would like to suggest is an improvement to that. By allowing use to name the relationship between two tables.
The idea is two-fold.
First, this enhances the Enterprise Data Management by allowing us to have richer metadata, so the business can understand exactly the relationships between tables.
Second, I imagine this would enhance the Q&A by allowing for more complex questions since, we could categorise a relationship with actions such as 'buy' and 'purchase', 'call', 'request', 'assigns', etc.
Administrator on 21 Oct 2020 16:33:26
Hi Pedro. We actually already have a feature (in Power BI for O365) that addresses the second part, called Phrasings. There's lots of information on those here: https://support.office.com/en-ie/article/About-QA-Phrasings-and-how-to-add-them-to-your-workbook-027670ab-ac99-4ba5-b0e5-d5ebf2cb9d8b?ui=en-US&rs=en-IE&ad=IE At the moment they're not exposed through the new Power BI interface, but we will do soon! You can try them out through Power BI for O365 now. The ability to name them for end-user metadata reasons still stands! We could certainly expose that through our UI to make it clearer how your models are organised. Thanks!