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bubble chart

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Leticia on 24 Mar 2016 02:05:20

Allow for the bubble chart data to be displayed continuously. Currently the "bubbles" disappear and reappear along the timeline.

Comments (3)
Leticia's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:34:11

RE: bubble chart

Adjustable playback speed would really help with larger data sets.

Leticia's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:01:08

RE: bubble chart

I managed to get this to happen by playing with the fields used on "Details". I had to create a concatenation of a few different fields and got it to work by trial and error.

Leticia's profile image Profile Picture

Seb on 05 Jul 2020 22:38:30

RE: bubble chart

Yes please. I have been searching for the functionality in the scatter chart tools just this moment and am feeling a little frustrated that the tails cannot be shown. Here is a good example of a chat tool with the tail option.