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[Goals] - Scorecard not utilising Apps effectively

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James Pretorius on 15 Dec 2021 08:38:08

There appear to be a number of areas where Scorecards are not utilising Apps effectively.

1. Scorecards permissions are not updated when published to an App.
When publishing an App that includes a Scorecard, the following error is seen on screen when a user attempts to access the App:

“It looks like you don't have access to this report. Ask the report owner to share it with you.”

In order to grant the user access to the Scorecard within the App they need to be added as a Viewer on the Workspace containing the Scorecard, or provided with Direct Access Read Permissions directly on the Scorecard.
Desired Behaviour: When publishing an App containing a Scorecard, the Scorecard is automatically accessible to those groups who have been granted permission to the App.

2. Connected Goals created via a Report published to an App do not utilise the App when clicking the View Report button on the Goal

After creating a connected goal (Connect to Data) and navigating to the connected data via an App (Select the report with the data you want to track > App), clicking on the ‘Open Report’ icon (Open the report this value is connected to) on the goal opens the report directly instead of opening the report via the App. The impact is that the user may not have direct permission to view the report in the workspace, they can only view the report via the App.

Comments (7)
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Dan Anderson on 12 Dec 2023 14:13:00

RE: [Goals] - Scorecard not utilising Apps effectively

Premium capacity working as intended. Hello?

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Dustin Askins on 25 Sep 2023 16:48:52

RE: [Goals] - Scorecard not utilising Apps effectively

Hi Christoffer, I cannot provide a date, but we are looking at broader solutions (not scorecard / metrics / goals specific) for making it easier to include content in a Power BI org app that isnt surfaced in the org app navigation...this solution should extend to scorecards. I will post an update here or reach out directly to some of you who have commented to see if the solution works for you. Thank you.

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Christoffer Axelsson on 11 Jul 2023 13:02:13

RE: [Goals] - Scorecard not utilising Apps effectively

Hi DustinIs there any update to this post? As the other authors I´m also facing the issue of having to grant access to the workspace when publishing a scorecard in an app. Wanted outcome is that all people that is granted access to the app also gets access to view scorecard and metrics inside the app.

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Dustin Askins on 21 Jun 2023 23:23:10

RE: [Goals] - Scorecard not utilising Apps effectively

Thanks for posting the idea, James. And the comments Ken, Olly, and Sebastian.I'm on the team that works on org apps. I wanted to let you know we're aware of the issue with org apps and goals / scorecards. The latest version of org apps with audience management doesn't support access propagation the way older org apps did, so things like paginated report visuals inside a report don't work either. We are investigating fixes for all these referenced content issues that worked previously and will include referenced scorecards in the investigation.

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Ken Simpson on 28 Oct 2022 17:05:48

RE: [Goals] - Scorecard not utilising Apps effectively

We logged a support ticket on the Number 2 issue as well. We are told its by design but obviously this was a design miss that really should have been escalated as a bug. Why bother letting us navigate to a report through an App if you dont capture the link to the app?

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Olly Marshall-Moore on 01 Jul 2022 07:32:11

RE: [Goals] - Scorecard not utilising Apps effectively

Number 2 is a show stopper for us - we just can't use scorecards until we can link to reports in the App. Workspace permission is not granted to users other than admin / developers..

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Sebastian Lear on 01 Feb 2022 08:45:59

RE: [Goals] - Scorecard not utilising Apps effectively

Number 2 is a real issue for us. Apps are the main consumption layer for our consumers, we avoid giving workspace permissions to keep things simple but the link for a goals KPI goes to the report, not the app.