Roland on 01 May 2017 13:53:28
Allow the total column in tables or matrix to be on the first position instead on the last.
- Comments (156)
RE: Table / Matrix: Total Column on first position
Voting for thisto be available on next releases
RE: Table / Matrix: Total Column on first position
I am voting for this to be available in future release.
It is a waste of time always having to scroll down to see the totals ... ?
RE: Table / Matrix: Total Column on first position
Another simple, small formatting request that really should be an option.
RE: Table / Matrix: Total Column on first position
Or at least have the option to choose where a Total Column is located. Often management wants to see totals first before scrolling to look at the rest of the data. It is a great feature for Subtotals, but would be great to have this applied to other Total columns.
RE: Table / Matrix: Total Column on first position
This is one of the features most requested since we rolled out PBI in my company.
RE: Table / Matrix: Total Column on first position
There should be a "Column subtotal position" added to the Subtotals section to be be "Left" or "Right". This would be similar to the current treatment of Rows where it has "Row subtotal position" with an option of "Bottom" or "Top".