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Dynamic column header in Power BI using formula or expression

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Power BI User on 22 May 2020 21:20:51

In existing power BI version we can only rename or hard code column header. request you yo please provide dynamic column header functionality. For example, If we need to populate column header using some formula or expression then it's not possible in power BI.

Comments (6)
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Pär Adeen on 01 Nov 2024 10:04:02

RE: Dynamic column header in Power BI using formula or expression

Just got the same customer request today, i.e. to show different column headers based on a filter (dropdown filter) settings.I tried to overcome using field parameters but they I will have all field parameter columns shown when no selection is doneI also tried using bookmarks and show different visuals but that didn't work either since the filter needs to be a dropdown filterThis should be quite a simple change I would say. No need to advertise it using the function (fx) icon either, a right click on the measure will also work

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Peter Carty on 24 Oct 2024 00:36:01

RE: Dynamic column header in Power BI using formula or expression

Dynamic naming of columns would make the user experience better

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Alexander Wodtschel on 22 Dec 2022 09:54:45

RE: Dynamic column header in Power BI using formula or expression

I often use a switch statement to display e.g. budget or previous year in a table compared to actual. It would be great if the column header would change the name.

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Bruno Zambetti on 15 May 2021 09:41:26

RE: Dynamic column header in Power BI using formula or expression

please use, more votes for this idea

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Rob Solfest on 10 Mar 2021 00:42:18

RE: Dynamic column header in Power BI using formula or expression

It looks like the following ideas could be combined and perhaps higher votes. Please consider voting for multiple of these until they are consolidated...

+ Dax calculated measure name / Dynamic column headers

+ Dynamic column header in Power BI using formula or expression

+ Dynamic Column Headers in Table/Matrix

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Rob Solfest on 09 Mar 2021 00:59:23

RE: Dynamic column header in Power BI using formula or expression

This capability is needed to allow for a calculated column to display data from other columns that may be conditionally displayed in a table.

An example is a customer list with columns specific to one reseller. When one selects a different reseller, the table can display different values in these custom fields (This solution could be leveraged for reports using Row-Level Security). Within Power BI today this custom column solution can be implemented on a table with calculated columns that will conditionally display the correct row values. However, it does not provide any method to descriptively label the headers of these custom columns.

By enabling a dynamic or calculated header label, the custom column's header can display a proper label to describe the data visible in the calculated column instead of just a generic "Column 23" label.

Thanks for your consideration!