Power BI
Needs VotesMore user-friendly report page navigation in Power BI Desktop & Power BI.com
Eric Marshall on 08 Sep 2019 11:27:46
Power BI Desktop:
Could we please change the canvas view so that report page tabs appear as a list that can be easily navigated/modified on the left side of the page instead of at the bottom?
If this view could be collapsed/expanded in a similar fashion to the Visualisations and Fields panes that would be great.
Power BI.com:
When viewing the report page tabs list in PowerBI.com, could we make it possible to minimise the report page tabs list on the left (similar to how you can collapse/expand the Filters pane on the right)? This allows a better full screen view similar to how reports appear when viewed full screen via a workspace.
Both Power BI Desktop & Power BI.com:
Also, could we please make this list of reports searchable with a box to more easily locate reports?
At the moment, clicking the arrow icon to navigate between reports is cumbersome when there are a lot of report pages to go through. When duplicating or creating a new a page, the new page automatically gets pushed to the end of the list and then must be re-dragged manually back across the left to get it in the desired order.