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Enable Power BI Dataflow tables and columns to have descriptions

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Rob Solfest on 26 Jun 2024 22:03:12

Best practice in semantic models is to have descriptions on tables, columns and measures. Dataflows are a user-friendly centralized resource for model & business unit report builders to bring in common dimension tables (e.g.: Dates, Products). Unfortunately, the table and columns that come from a PBI Dataflow do not have a place to entera and store descriptions. This then requires the modeler and report developer to manually add a description locally in their model and column. Thus creating extra manual work, likely inconsistent descriptions and technical debt if a description needs to be updated across the models & reports.

ENHANCEMENT REQUEST: Enable Table and Column descriptions to be entered in a PBI Dataflow & Power Query.

Ideally, a PBI model could just load the latest descriptions when the table & columns are refreshed to allow for central management of this documentation. Additionally, the model could allow the developer to override the description with a custom one, which would be maintained across refreshes. Assuming that they did not create a custom description, they would automatically inherit all centralized descriptions and updates from the Dataflow data source.

Thanks for your consideration!

Comments (1)
Rob Solfest's profile image Profile Picture

Craig Walker on 01 Aug 2024 10:47:30

RE: Enable Power BI Dataflow tables and columns to have descriptions

We definitely need this, otherwise we will be forced to create a Dataflow per Table which would be a step in the wrong direction.