PDB on 16 May 2018 15:04:40
The new Dashboard Theming allows authors to include an image backround, which is great. However, if the images is a company logo for example, the only way I see to add a logo is to create a full page with a transparent backround and include the logo. It would be great if an option were included to "allow" authors to include the company logo at a given position in the dashboard.
Also, the problem with the workaround I've described above is that if the dashboard is a pinned live page, the logo is visible if the view is not full page spread. If the users displays the dashboard full screen, the backround image/logo is not visible. An option for pinned live page would be to allow authors to include a logo as an option under "Edit Details" / "Tile Details"/ "Display title and subtitle", and allow the author to decide if the position is to be left/centre/right.
Thanks for listening.