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Pipeline Schedules need MONTHLYT option, plus visibility into History

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Todd Chittenden on 11 Apr 2024 16:26:15

I have a Fabric workspace with a Pipeline that I need to run MONTHLY. But that is not one of the options for the schedule. In classic Azure Data Factory we could configure a Trigger (multiple triggers, actually) for a Pipeline to run Monthly, and on a specific DAY of each month (1st, last, or some specific number, like say, the 3rd and 20th of each month). Fabric Pipelines need this flexibility in scheduling.

Plus, when I look at my list of artifacts, my Pipeline, which IS SCHEDULED, shows nothing for the "Refreshed" and "Next refresh" columns. It has run in the past so there is valid history, and it is scheduled, so it should show both pieces of information.

This is severely lacking in basic functionality.