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Under Review

Direct connection to web service without Excel spreadsheet?

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Evan Lavender's profile image

Evan Lavender on 06 Nov 2014 06:45:22

Direct connection from dashboard to web service?

Is there a way, in HTML5 and JS, to create a connection to a WebService and create a chart? Especially if I do not have a spreadsheet.

Administrator on 12 Nov 2014 03:30:10

As of today you've got to create the connection through Excel first, Evan. This is a great suggestion though, we'll certainly consider it! Thanks!

Comments (1)
Evan Lavender's profile image Profile Picture

Cathal on 05 Jul 2020 22:06:53

RE: Direct connection to web service without Excel spreadsheet?

Has there been update on this. I have a web service that has colomns and rows in it and I want to connect it direcly to Power bi via a weblink with a unique identifier for that query. Can you do this.