Jason Cockington on 09 Nov 2022 07:01:25
Having published a report into a Collaboration Workspace there are problems with the asynchronous nature of the collaboration.
CollaboratorA starts editing the report, while they are working on it, CollaboratorB signs in and starts editing the same report.
When CollaboratorA saves their changes and returns to reading view they are happy with their changes and sign off.
CollaboratorB has now finished their different changes, unaware of the changes CollaboratorA implemented, and save and close the report.
As a result, CollaboratorB's version edits take precedence and replace the report CollaboratorA saved.
CollaboratorA logs back in... "WT? Where are my changes!?!"
When a report is being edited on the service, other collaborators looking to edit the report should be notified
"The report is currently checked out and being edited by USERPRINCIPLENAME"
At the very least this would let online collaborators know when someone else is editing the report, and they can check back later to see what has been changed.