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Under Review

Sharing Dashboard charts - Create once, use many!

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Khalid Salama's profile image

Khalid Salama on 07 Jan 2015 06:44:08

It would be nice if the user can create the chart tiles and share them so that they can be used directly in other dashboards created by the same user or other users (Similar to sharing Power Query datasets I think!)

Administrator on 23 Jan 2015 07:46:27

Great idea! Like creating a library of tiles and charts that a user can pick from and re-use. Is there anyone else out there who thinks this would be useful? Please add your votes!

Comments (5)
Khalid Salama's profile image Profile Picture

Gregory DF on 05 Jul 2020 22:20:17

RE: Sharing Dashboard charts - Create once, use many!

This would be really useful. I was trying to pin some of my tiles on a shared dashboard created by a coworker and I was surprised it wasn't working :(

Khalid Salama's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:19:41

RE: Sharing Dashboard charts - Create once, use many!

Can I just say thankyou to the Power BI for adding this feature. It allows one to create tailored dashboards for multiple managers without starting from scratch each time.


Khalid Salama's profile image Profile Picture

Daniel (Australia) on 05 Jul 2020 22:18:59

RE: Sharing Dashboard charts - Create once, use many!

There are multiple posts on this. People have been describing it differently. So the number of votes is in the hundreds. Essentially, PowerBI should allow tiles to be shared/pinned by all users within an organisation as long as the owner permits it.

Khalid Salama's profile image Profile Picture

Julie Zhu on 05 Jul 2020 22:08:11

RE: Sharing Dashboard charts - Create once, use many!

Hi Khalid, Scott and all, with our recent pinning improvement, you can now pin a tile from one dashboard to another ( This provides a way to reuse your dashboard tiles. Does it help with your scenario?

Khalid Salama's profile image Profile Picture

Scott Futryk on 05 Jul 2020 21:57:53

RE: Sharing Dashboard charts - Create once, use many!

Hi Will ... there are over 20 pages of "ideas" and it just takes TOO LONG to get to SEE all of these. For example ... this would be one of my #1 requests ... I am sure others as well but, it just takes too long to find these jewels.

A "reuseable library" of Dashboard "parts" is what made SharePoint and many other programs the best in class!