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Combine Title and Menu Bar on all Visualizations

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John Fitzpatrick on 28 Apr 2016 11:19:10

Every visualization has a 25 unit bar on top with the "Focus Mode" and "More options links. When combined with a Title bar, this uses 50 units of 720 for the total vertical space on a report page. I like having a Title and the menu options but would like them combined.

Comments (39)
John Fitzpatrick's profile image Profile Picture

Amie on 05 Jul 2020 22:58:35

RE: Combine Title and Menu Bar on all Visualizations

Agree 100%, or make the menu bar optional. Just had a client request this functionality in a compete scenario.

John Fitzpatrick's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:58:15

RE: Combine Title and Menu Bar on all Visualizations

So much wasted screen space!

John Fitzpatrick's profile image Profile Picture

Upe on 05 Jul 2020 22:58:10

RE: Combine Title and Menu Bar on all Visualizations

This is a huge issue for me as well. When i am trying to create a page with a ton of filters, it just doesn't look nice because of these bars and the fact you need to lay the filters down one side of the page like a deck of cards - but once clicked, the header bards come back.

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Sean H. on 05 Jul 2020 22:55:09

RE: Combine Title and Menu Bar on all Visualizations

Please make this happen! From a design standpoint this makes a lot of reports look weird...(without juggling visuals, or creating custom background pictures) Come on Microsoft...this should be basic functions for visuals...or at least for the Image box.

John Fitzpatrick's profile image Profile Picture

Kevin on 05 Jul 2020 22:38:23

RE: Combine Title and Menu Bar on all Visualizations

Please add this :) it will allow us to create some great looking reports with the native functionality rather than creating a detailed background image which is much harder to maintain.

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:37:06

RE: Combine Title and Menu Bar on all Visualizations


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Simon on 05 Jul 2020 22:32:36

RE: Combine Title and Menu Bar on all Visualizations

This would make slicers far more visually appealing to use in reports. Would love to see this implemented

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Ivo Hristov on 05 Jul 2020 22:29:18

RE: Combine Title and Menu Bar on all Visualizations

The option to remove/hide the "Focus Mode" is very important to me as well. Especially, for slicers.

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ZLJ on 05 Jul 2020 22:24:06

RE: Combine Title and Menu Bar on all Visualizations

Even just the ability to hide them on the visualization would help. I often have a logo, title, a few slicers, and then some charts. Only the charts need this bar, on the others it really is a waste of space.