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Scheduled Refresh

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Jowel Vizco on 29 Nov 2018 06:09:39

Need the following options to refresh the data:

1. Have the ability to refresh specific tables from the Datasets.
-- We have a report that contains intraday, daily and MTD data. We only need to refresh the daily and MTD data once a day but the intraday reporting needs to be refreshed every 30 minutes.

2. Have the ability to set the time with increments of up to a minute.
-- Currently, we only have a 30-minute increment to schedule a dataset refresh and this limits our ability to separate multiple dataset refresh at a given timeframe. For example, I have 5 reports that runs 3 minutes to completely refresh the data, instead of running them at once, I can schedule the refresh with 3 minutes increment to avoid too much load in the server.

Comments (5)
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Maryam Baghi on 05 Jun 2024 06:18:57

RE: Scheduled Refresh

Please check this section again. It seems that sometimes it doesn't work and automatic refresh is not done even in normal mode

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Mark Walter on 16 Aug 2020 04:18:50

RE: Scheduled Refresh

We'd like to move towards hourly refreshes on intra-day sales and general ledger files. Having this feature where the daily file updates more frequently than all the rest would be very helpful for us. Thanks!

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Kelli Koha on 16 Aug 2020 04:11:47

RE: Scheduled Refresh

I hope this will be implemented soon. It would be very useful!

Jowel Vizco's profile image Profile Picture

Stuart on 16 Aug 2020 04:10:50

RE: Scheduled Refresh

upvoted - seems a no brainer where some dims are more volatile than others

Jowel Vizco's profile image Profile Picture

Mix Montejo on 16 Aug 2020 04:09:16

RE: Scheduled Refresh

I agree, once this feature is added, this will surely resolve our schedule refresh failure.