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Smaller shapes in scatter charts

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Jyri Salpakari's profile image

Jyri Salpakari on 03 May 2018 19:02:09

The size of the shapes in scatter charts can be adjusted, but the 0 % size is too large. More scale should be added to the lower end, to allow for small points which help to make charts with lots of data much more readable.

The problem has been discussed here:

This idea is similar:

Comments (3)
Jyri Salpakari's profile image Profile Picture

Addam Smith on 05 Jul 2020 23:33:28

RE: Smaller shapes in scatter charts

Agree with this. Will also add there should be more variability in size when using as a bubble chart. Major differences in value appear minor because the points don't scale properly.

Jyri Salpakari's profile image Profile Picture

Mark Skilling on 05 Jul 2020 23:32:16

RE: Smaller shapes in scatter charts

Definitely a needed feature. Why not allow smaller shapes, right down to just tiny dots, like in Excel? I am trying to plot a large amount of data on a scatter plot and it just gets too crowded.

Jyri Salpakari's profile image Profile Picture

Axel Prunier on 05 Jul 2020 23:31:07

RE: Smaller shapes in scatter charts

Definitely an issue, as in current version, the size of the bubbles is not discriminant enough. Visuals then have less impact visually speaking.