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Usage metrics for reports published to the web

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on 05 Oct 2018 08:55:42

Would love to have Usage Metrics for reports that have been Published to the Web. We shared a shortened direct link because it opens full screen, all content was there and other benefits. How many people are actually using the content? So disappointing it's not there.

Comments (2)
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Thomas Wong on 01 May 2023 15:30:55

RE: Usage metrics for reports published to the web

agree, it's important to track publish to web report usage. Even we embedded the report in website and track usage by GA, it only monitor part of the usage as we do have the case to send direct report link instead of website link. And this feature can be done in Tableau already.

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Erik Johansson on 18 Apr 2023 13:19:03

RE: Usage metrics for reports published to the web

This is a great feature to add! I agree, that it's very disappointing that this does not exist.