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Explicit Field Filtering

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David Markle on 22 Oct 2020 19:24:43

Most of the time I know exactly which column/measure I want out of the field chooser.

Allow us the ability to explicitly specify which field we want from the field chooser without partial matches.

For example, If I'm looking for a column called 'Date'[Date], I might type "Date" in the field chooser. Doing that will give me everything in the model that has "date" in the field name, Report Dates, Start Dates, End Dates, anything with "Date" in the name.

What I'd like to be able to do is simply type in "'Date'[Date]" and get that exact column so I can get to it quickly. I'd also like to be able to type just "[Date]" and get all columns with that *exact* name of "Date" on any table that has it.