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Slicer Default Setting to Default Select First Value

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Nick Lee on 17 Nov 2022 18:55:00

When trying to create a dynamic slicer to always default to a "current" date value (such as date/month/quarter/yearetc.), the current solution for this is to create a calculated column against the date value that looks up if it is in the current state. Then, you add a text field to this column to say something like "Current Date", otherwise return the date value. When this column is used a slicer, you can always have the text value of "Current Date" as the default selection and every other value in the slicer shows the factual date value.

A proposed to solution to this for when you don't want to display a text field but always want the current date value selected is to add a slicer option that always defaults to the first value in the list, either sorted ascending or descending.

This eliminates the need for having to create a column that has a text field to flag the current date value.