Sohail Mohd on 14 Sep 2020 08:30:37
There should be an option in Power BI for the data in the columns to be either case sensitive or insensitive. When one deals with data involving client names or entity names, case sensitivity-sinsensitivity does pose a problem.
There are ways in M query to avoid this, but Power BI should have an option for itself as a PBI feature.
Administrator on 17 Jan 2025 18:31:15
, which is a case-sensitive collation.- Comments (6)
RE: Case sensitive-insensitive option in Power BI
Astonishing this hasn't been implemented yet. Seems like an easy low-hanging fruit win with big gains. Most average users don't want case sensitivity for a text search because you never know how the data will include a keyword text string, and case can simply be a matter of it starting a sentence verses middle/end. If DAX is case insensitive, why are the UI level searches? Default should be case insensitive, or even better allow developers to turn on/off whichever they prefer.
RE: Case sensitive-insensitive option in Power BI
On the long list of basic features that Power BI does not prioritize as it does not sound sexy, this might be the biggest missing feature. It is so easy to implement, yet so important. Come on Microsoft
RE: Case sensitive-insensitive option in Power BI
Nothing on this yet? It's a very important matter, cannot believe it's been ignored for so long.
RE: Case sensitive-insensitive option in Power BI
This issue needs to be addressed, when using search in slicer it makes sense to have the option for case insensitive.
RE: Case sensitive-insensitive option in Power BI
The lack of case sensitivity and cases changing on load from Power Query to Power BI entirely prevents me from using Power BI in many cases. I'll be moving away from Power BI as a reporting solution solely because of this issue.
RE: Case sensitive-insensitive option in Power BI
This issue goes well beyond just case sensitive names. Many data sources use alpha-numeric codes that are case sensitive when they are created and need to retain that case sensitivity when loaded into Power BI.