Ted Murphy on 30 Jul 2015 02:39:51
Can you please provide a forum for Reporting bugs in Power BI.com?
Column sequence in Dashboard does not correspond to Sequence in Report!
- Comments (18)
RE: Reporting a Bug
Map shows three states in wrong location: NY, LA and UT. Heat map ("Filled Map) not showing any hits in these states even if there should be data hits.
RE: Reporting a Bug
I am using the Dropdown Slicer, and on one of my reports the rectangular list that drops down freezes on the screen. Moving the slicer or deleting it does nothing to the box that is now stuck on my screen obscuring other things.
RE: Reporting a Bug
Map widget in power BI does not cover Telangana as part of India.
RE: Reporting a Bug
Map widget in power BI does not cover Telangana as part of India.
RE: Reporting a Bug
I am reporting using a dashboard with a legend and details. The report is displaying as expected in Power BI Desktop. However, as soon as I publish it it is displaying the legend categories for both the legend and the details.
This is a glaring bug. If anyone has an solutions or needs additional documentation, please don't hesitate to reach out.
RE: Reporting a Bug
The multiple selection for the Clichet Slicer isn't working.
RE: Reporting a Bug
The filled map widget in power BI does not cover Telangana as part of India.
RE: Reporting a Bug
Please see the following blog post for filing bugs: http://community.powerbi.com/t5/Service/Where-do-Bug-Reports-go/m-p/16413#M5179