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Allow a matrix row hierarchy to expand upward (standard Accounting format)

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on 08 Mar 2019 07:57:45

Allow a matrix row hierarchy to expand upward (requested by Accounting)

The functionality of PowerBI always expands a matrix downward, with subcategories appearing beneath the header.
Standard accounting format requires that the subcategories appear above the header.

Power BI does allow us to move row subtotals to the Bottom, displaying the word "Total" at the bottom, with the header still at the top. Accounting needs the header name at the bottom instead of the word "Total".

Comments (10)
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Viraj Arsekar on 13 Jan 2025 22:15:15

RE: Allow a matrix row hierarchy to expand upward (standard Accounting format)

Almost 6 years later and Microsoft has still not provided this basic feature. Assuming most accounting/finance folks need this, number of votes should not matter if it's something that should be available as standard format. I see that Power BI is not catered to accounting/finance. Many simple accounting formats, data types and features are not available.

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Alex Koren on 08 May 2024 14:44:57

RE: Allow a matrix row hierarchy to expand upward (standard Accounting format)

Okay common its been 5 years... its not that hard to add this feature...

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Wojciech Gadacz on 26 Sep 2023 09:28:45

RE: Allow a matrix row hierarchy to expand upward (standard Accounting format)

It's ridiculous how much time it takes to create such an essential enhancement. Please cover it ASAP as it's a must-have for Financial Accounting.

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Simon Martyn on 08 Sep 2023 10:00:46

RE: Allow a matrix row hierarchy to expand upward (standard Accounting format)

How hard can it be to add this essential feature? It can't be used for proper Financial reporting with it.

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Ritu Goel on 27 Jul 2023 17:01:16

RE: Allow a matrix row hierarchy to expand upward (standard Accounting format)

Still waiting for this feature to be available. We cannot move to use Power BI because this feature is missing

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Dennis Ong on 23 Jul 2023 03:52:30

RE: Allow a matrix row hierarchy to expand upward (standard Accounting format)

Still waiting for this feature to be available. We cannot move to use Power BI because this feature is missing. Most finance report is having the sum at the bottom (Expand hierarchy up feature), without this we cannot create a finance report that is able to expand up at the same time.We have a lot of users (5000++) wanting to use Power BI but this limitation is stopping us to move the finance people to use power BI.

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Piotr Sobczak on 23 Feb 2023 11:00:44

RE: Allow a matrix row hierarchy to expand upward (standard Accounting format)

This option is so basic that it boggles the mind users have to specially request, sign a petition, call their Senate representative and pray to the almighty to maybe, kinda, sorta get it implemented in a few years.Jesus Christ. Working with PowerBI is a never ending quest to find workarounds for the simplest things. I guess making a one-fits-all tool doesn't make anyone's work any easier...

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Anthony R on 04 Feb 2023 10:19:31

RE: Allow a matrix row hierarchy to expand upward (standard Accounting format)

Absolute must - from a Finance perspective. Is there no workaround until implemented??

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Cindy Botchis on 11 Oct 2022 15:04:36

RE: Allow a matrix row hierarchy to expand upward (standard Accounting format)

Agree this is so important. Working in Accounting & Finance, they want to see the lowest levels rolling into the higher levels. It seems like it would be a simple option to allow a hierarchy to be viewed top down or bottom up.

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Tom H688 on 22 Jul 2022 10:44:26

RE: Allow a matrix row hierarchy to expand upward (standard Accounting format)

I think this should have far more votes - from everyone using Power BI for Financial Reporting!Presumably a simple feature that could be implemented quite easily, that would have huge benefits for many people including myself and the Finance team I support.