abhishek sreesaila on 04 Jan 2015 16:37:48
Ability to select multiple items in a chart say multiple bars, pie's etc and automatically have filters applied to all the existing reports. this helps to highlight anomalies and see all the surrounding reports changes as we do it and showcase risks/opportunities
Administrator on 09 Feb 2018 05:00:49
As of the February update, we now support cross-highlighting across multiple visuals! You can read the details in my blog post: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/power-bi-desktop-february-2018-feature-summary/#crosshighlight
- Comments (150)
RE: Ability to select multiple items in a report for cross-highlighting
Being able to cross filter tables by holding selections in multiple tables as a ad-hoc drill down is supported by the competition such as Tableau and Qlik and feels like the best way to gather insights for a end user. It is just the most intuitive way to explore the data in a interactive report.
I really hope this feature will be in the upcoming release of Power BI Report Server and its accompanying version of Power BI Desktop.
RE: Ability to select multiple items in a report for cross-highlighting
Have you planned a release date for this feature?
RE: Ability to select multiple items in a report for cross-highlighting
Any updates on this? Dying for it
RE: Ability to select multiple items in a report for cross-highlighting
When the hell is this feature gonna release? I have been waiting since 2016!
RE: Ability to select multiple items in a report for cross-highlighting
Fantastic. Can't wait to see this feature come out.
RE: Ability to select multiple items in a report for cross-highlighting
this would reduce the need to have so many slicers and gain always much needed real estate
RE: Ability to select multiple items in a report for cross-highlighting
Indeed this is a supreme important feature. We created a report that has three pie charts that do not interact with themselves. Each one has its own stacked bar chart and a card bonded by filter. We need to highlight each pie chart independently in order to simultaneous filter theirs stacked bar charts and cards. Howerver, only one pie chart can be highlighted at a time. It is frustating.
RE: Ability to select multiple items in a report for cross-highlighting
Please can you confirm whether or not this idea will work on multiply charts, as already commented by Joel Faltermeier on the 20th of November.
RE: Ability to select multiple items in a report for cross-highlighting
This is a killer feature.
RE: Ability to select multiple items in a report for cross-highlighting
Hoped this would be implemented with December update... Now I really hope for January update since it's a necessity.