Johan Schelin on 18 Sep 2024 14:22:10
In PowerBI Pro license the max refresh per day is 8.
As there is no retry option built in we have followed Microsoft Learn to create a Power Automate flow that retries failed refreshes after a period of 15 minutes.
If the refresh runs fine 2 times (8:00 and 9:00) and then fails at 10:00, our Power Automate flow reruns it at 10:15 where it succeeds. The rest of the refreshes work as intended at 11:00, 13:00, 14:00 and 15:00. But when the scheduled refresh should run at 16:00 it gets capped by the refresh limit of 8 refreshes per day.
I see this as a design flaw.
Please adjust the way that the refreshes are counted, so that only successful refreshes or counted towards the maximum of eight per day