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Under Review

how about some power query functions: running total function, offset function, geometric mean

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rashid on 13 May 2015 06:30:20


Administrator on 05 Jun 2015 23:41:13

We'll consider this as improvements to Power Query / Power BI Designer. Thanks for your feedback!

Comments (5)
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hvs on 05 Jul 2020 22:59:21

RE: how about some power query functions: running total function, offset function, geometric mean


Miguel: please have the function of Running totals created soon in the Dashboard, it is a presentation function, not data nor Dax.

Not having a running total in the Dashboard is a Nock Out critieria in the selection of BI tools.

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Areef Ali on 05 Jul 2020 22:33:22

RE: how about some power query functions: running total function, offset function, geometric mean

You guys have been doing great work. Just to support Power Query - a running total function is critical - can you give an update on this

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:26:48

RE: how about some power query functions: running total function, offset function, geometric mean

Please add Running Total function (right click to select). This is more helpful than building DAX in table data. Thanks for your post Rashid.

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:25:18

RE: how about some power query functions: running total function, offset function, geometric mean

This is for Miguel! Please make running totals/cumulated totals a standard functionality in Power BI like it is in PowerPivot (right click - display result as running total in...). It is not user friendly with DAX formulas. If you search for "cumulative totals" and "running totals" in the improvement ideas you will see that it appears several times under different headings. So the votes should be cumulated and thus get higher priority.

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:17

RE: how about some power query functions: running total function, offset function, geometric mean

PLease make this functionality standard - especially the running totals function. In standard "PowerPivot" I have the option to right click in the pivot table and choose "Display result as - running total in - e.g. calendar weeks". It should be possible in PowerBi as well - without having to create DAX measures and other wizard stuff...