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Improve chart view and data visualization experience Fabric notebooks

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Sandeep Pawar on 27 Feb 2024 03:14:09

The new Rich dataframes in Fabric notebooks are nice but the Chart View still leaves much to be desired for compared other notebook products such as Databricks, HEX and notable.

Here are a few proposals and ideas:

  • Similar to Cell and Markdown, create a "Chart" cell type which lets the user pick a dataframe and display it. Users do not need to wrap display(..) every single time.
  • Visuals available in display are very limited and do not allow any formatting or configurations. e.g. you cant change the axis colors, change axis scale. While histogram is available, density plots, scatterplots etc for any serious and meaningful data exploration
  • once created the visuals created w/ display do not persist. e.g. if the notebook author creates a visual, saves the notebook and shares it with someone else, the other users don't see the original chart
  • Fabric already has Quickvisualize and powerbiclient which allow use of Power BI in notebooks but a deeper, native integration to leverage Power BI inside Fabric notebooks would be great especially for those who are new to notebooks as well data scientists who can use UI option in the notebooks for visualization.