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Please enable case sensitivity in Power BI

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Ranjitha DR's profile image

Ranjitha DR on 08 Dec 2020 14:46:52

As PBI is case insensitive and if we use SSAS in case sensitive mode we will end-up see values merged in visual.
Please provide an option to enable case sensitivity in Power BI

Comments (3)
Ranjitha DR's profile image Profile Picture

Philippe ROCHETTE on 18 May 2022 09:47:06

RE: Please enable case sensitivity in Power BI

Same issue here, using direct query that keep case sensitivity and SUMMARIZE function to create a table who lose it, the created table does not contains case sensitive differences.Then TREATAS is case sensitive and does not take into account similarities... Some data is lost and I have not found a workaround yet....As there is no coherency here, I guess it could be considered as a bug ?

Ranjitha DR's profile image Profile Picture

Lieven Grauls on 18 Feb 2022 13:45:00

RE: Please enable case sensitivity in Power BI

From a report I get from SFDC there is an unique alpha numerical identifier that is case sensitive, and that also part of the URL to create the connection between PowerBi and SFDC. I cannot use this today and creates some wrong relationships

Ranjitha DR's profile image Profile Picture

Phillip Putzback on 05 Feb 2021 19:47:58

RE: Please enable case sensitivity in Power BI

This is a huge bug. I was hoping to be able to use Power BI for our Data Cleansing efforts. But if it is going to alter the data I can't tell someone that they have trust me and don't believe what they see with their own eyes if I tell them their data is in mixed case even though the report converted it to uppercase.

I am trying to clean up State and Country Codes to match ISO standards. Power BI is converting Tx, Ak, and oK to TX, AK, and OK.