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Ability to manually Reset Dashboard Cache - which can prevent Dataset Scheduled Refresh

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Johan Power BI User on 31 Mar 2020 16:31:45

In some cases Dataset Refresh fails, and it can be solved by removing the dataset and republish it. Today I did a deep dive with good help from PowerBI Support (Avinash) which showed that the problem was due to a Dashboard Cache that held links to my Dataset that somehow got broken.
We tried to delete the Dahboard Tiles that were linked, then republished the dataset fron PBI Desktop, to the same workspace and the same name (overwriting it). This solved the issue and the Dataset could again refresh as normal.
I need to rebuild my Dashboard Tile (and one dashboard) which is a bit painful, so i suggest a way to manually, in the PBI Service, delete the Dashboard Cache, so that this does not prevent Dataset Refresh.