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Filter to azure table storage from the URL

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John Jairo Bocachica Villate's profile image

John Jairo Bocachica Villate on 25 Jul 2016 04:44:19

Azure table storage rest services allow us to query a table with parameters, we must have the same features from the azure table storage datasource, for now, we have to import all the table and then filter it.'',RowKey='')?$select=

Comments (2)
John Jairo Bocachica Villate's profile image Profile Picture

Rob Rainey on 05 Jul 2020 23:27:36

RE: Filter to azure table storage from the URL

The ability to provide a $filter or $select (or both) to a table storage query would be great and reduce the amount of data needed significantly


$select=PartitionKey,RowKey,Timestamp,Field1,Field2,Field3&$top=1000&$filter=(RowKey ge 'Example' and RowKey lt 'Example~') or (RowKey ge 'Value' and RowKey lt 'Value~')

John Jairo Bocachica Villate's profile image Profile Picture

Sebastian Rösch on 05 Jul 2020 22:49:00

RE: Filter to azure table storage from the URL

I am interested in using other query params as well, like TOP N, as described here: