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Azure Map Improvements: Ref Layer, Bubbles & Tooltips

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Kelly McDowell on 29 Apr 2022 19:33:25

Compared to Azure Maps, the Power BI version has limited options for reference layers. The Power BI version should have the full functionality, including the ability to change the opacity, more control over size beyond 'small, medium, or large', color of outline, ability to remove the outline, stroke of outline, etc.

The bubble layer is ordered based on the legend, with the first category being at the back and the last category being at the forefront. This causes the bubbles to be overtaken by the last category listed in the legend. We need the ability to randomize the bubble layers.

When using a legend, you can select a single or multiple categories to be displayed by clicking on the legend. You can change the transparency of the unselected data points from 0 to 100% but the same is not the case for the unselected data point's Tooltip when hovering over the map. When I choose to make my unselected data points 100% transparent, the unselected data point's Tooltip continues to populate when hovering over the map. This makes it seem as though the selection and filtering of data is not working properly or that there's a problem with the data. The Tooltip of unselected data points should match the transparency of the unselected data points.