Abhay Bisht on 18 Dec 2017 19:00:24
When a Power BI report is connected to ADLS data source then it behaves like an Import mode application in which first all the data is imported. The report in service needs to be set with refresh time also.
The ADLS connection is not working as DirectQuery mode and neither there is an option to automatically scan for a refresh of dataset periodically. Please support Direct Query for ADLS Data Source.
- Comments (4)
RE: DirectQuery for Azure Data Lake Store connections
Direct Query for ADLS2 is essential, Ability to refresh partitioned data based on parameters (bind a parameter to partitioned key) as a minimum.It will help dealing with immense data size, the current power-bi adls2 connector downloads huge amount of data in background, complete none-sense !.
RE: DirectQuery for Azure Data Lake Store connections
Necessary to utilize D365FO's automated entity store refresh to Azure Data Lake. It really makes no sense to be limited to import mode when you have live data available.
RE: DirectQuery for Azure Data Lake Store connections
Agree, I hope that Data Source of Azure Data Lake Store support DirectQuery.
for analyze hundreds terabytes data with PC.
Or I hope that Data Source of Azure Data Lake support DirectQuery
RE: DirectQuery for Azure Data Lake Store connections
This would be awesome! if we can use poly base or U-SQL to direct query the ADL.