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conditional formatted data labels

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HarmVanG on 14 Jun 2017 14:32:15

I'd like to be able to have conditional formatting for my data labels in line charts, bar charts, funnel etc.

A great example for this would be to highlight positive and negative values in a bar or linechart, by having negative values represented by red data labels.

I know that it's possible to conditionally format the color of the bars in a bar chart but it would be nice to have this be possible for the data labels as well.

Comments (5)
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Mahmud Saniat on 02 Feb 2022 17:21:27

RE: conditional formatted data labels

Isnt it already possible (02 FEB 2022) from the Data Label formatting ?I agree that some improvements are still missing e.g. if I want to see only last value of a chart.

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Jeroen Komen on 22 Nov 2021 14:19:18

RE: conditional formatted data labels

agree! I posted a bug report since this should be possible in the august-update, but it isn't:

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Marco Rozzano on 27 Jan 2021 21:01:16

RE: conditional formatted data labels

Please share this idea with others :) I'm surprised this isn't a standard feature. It's ironic that we can use conditional formatting on text, lines, backgrounds, borders, and *values in tables*, but not on *values in a data label* ? Why for all those and not the other ? Seems like the logic is already built in. It just needs to be extend it universally, across every element, especially data labels.

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Shoaib Ahmed Khan on 06 Jul 2020 00:14:30

RE: conditional formatted data labels

Conditionally format the label type as well using the FORMAT function

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nilesh on 06 Jul 2020 00:03:07

RE: conditional formatted data labels

Must required. Easy to highlight achieved and not achieved figure in chart.