Daniel wu on 12 Jul 2015 01:13:50
is it possible to add support for "duration" data type in the report view as in Power Query?
- Comments (212)
RE: field of "duration" type
I could not believe this was not a bug but a missing feature for almost 10 years.Very counterintuitive and bothersome when you have your duration data pristine in Power Query but in order to present that in a report you have to create complex and error prone dax code.
RE: field of "duration" type
This needs to get implemented ASAP. Users have been complaining about this for nearly a decade. I will be using other BI software at my company if Power BI can't do something as basic as showing a duration in a y-axis without ridiculous workarounds.
RE: field of "duration" type
How the hell is this not available yet!? Ridiculous that I can't plot Time on the Y-Axis in Power BI yet Excel can?
RE: field of "duration" type
There is something of a workaround now through dynamic format strings for measures: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/create-reports/desktop-dynamic-format-strings but it is cumbersome and error prone. Even Patrick from guy in a cube has done a video: https://guyinacube.com/2023/06/22/digging-into-dynamic-format-strings-for-dax-measures-in-power-bi/
RE: field of "duration" type
Hello is anybody listening. How many posts and other wasted resources are taken up by this failing?
RE: field of "duration" type
Still an ongoing issue. This is possible in Excel but not in Power BI. Seems to be a giant gap in capabilities between the two. When you change time to duration in query view, it errors out. And duration is not an available format type in report view for measures. When trying work arounds, using the format function to change a number to duration turns the value into text, which cannot be aggregated. Will this ever be fixed? Should be a simple patch.
RE: field of "duration" type
2024, and yet no duration format in dax that allow aggregation, especially on visuals. So simple. Im gonna be fired soon cause i can't provide what needed . And all work arounds aren't good enough.. Thanks Microsoft....
RE: field of "duration" type
I got this same question in 2023 and I'm disappointed considering that's already asked in 2015...What are you doing?What are you waiting for?
RE: field of "duration" type
This is critical requirement in so many use cases, I can not believe we don't have a solution for this. In QlikSense/QlikView this functionality has been around for 10+ years. Any type of productivity reporting or contact center, turnaround time reporting would use this. Our end users do not want to see decimal representing portion of a day, or seconds in the y axis. h:nn:ss please. Any updates Microsoft??
RE: field of "duration" type
When will this feature (really basic feature) be improved?